2020 Creating spaces - an explorative case study using the example of teaching site-specific performance art in primary education. Munich: kopaed (series Art Media Education).
2017 Creating spaces together - a qualitative-empirical research contribution to a social space-oriented art education. (with Andreas Brenne). In: Konietzko, Sebastian/Kuschel, Sarah/Reinwand-Weiss, Vanessa-Isabella (eds.): From myths to insights - empirical research in cultural education. Munich: kopaed.
2015 Performance art with elementary school children. In: Blohm, Manfred/Mark, Elke (eds.): Formen der Wissensgenerierung - Practices in Performance-Art. Oberhausen: Athena.
2015 On the logic of the open - an approach to site-specific performance art in an art educational setting. In: Engel, Birgit/Böhme, Katja (eds.): Didactic logics of the Undetermined. Munich: kopaed.
2015 Performance art in art teaching - chances of a collaborative, body-oriented, open-ended and multi-perspective mediation and action practice (with Susanne Schittler and Mareike Buchmann) In: Buko15, International Congress of Art Education, Documentation of Congress Results. Bökwe, journal of the association of Austrian art educators. No 4 December 2015
2014 Shared spaces of not-knowing. In: Lohfeld, Wiebke/Westphal, Kristin/Stadler-Altmann, Ulrike (eds.): Spaces of Arts Education. National and transnational perspectives. Weinheim: Beltz-Juventa.