site-specific performance
Museum Felix-Nussbaum-Haus, Osnabrück 2018

A corner becomes an entrance, a wall turns into a door, a mask from a picture by Jewish painter Felix Nussbaum comes alive and a tree goes on a journey... Nine performers developed unusual and surprising ways of dealing with the museum's outdoor architectural situations and the life of Felix Nussbaum. The museum hosts more than 200 of his works. Nussbaumfled from the Nazis to Belgium, was denounced and taken to Auschwitz concentration camp. He was murdered there in 1945. The building was constructed according to plans by American-jewish architect Daniel Libeskind and opened in 1998.
with: Michael Schneider, Anna Stern, Michael Kolberg, Lisa Tschorn, Luisa Hausmann, Isaac Espinoza Hidrobo, Tashina Mende and Pauline Hammans, Juan Gutiérrez