Living apart together
site-specific performance with Michael Schneider
Art space Alte Schule, Essen 2013
Line by line
My own desert
Line by line
My paradise.
(Marie-Luise Kaschnitz)
I have always imagined paradise as a kind of library.
(Jorge Luis Borges)
As part of the exhibition 'Arcadia is only a place', we developed a site-specific performance for the transformer house on one of the exterior walls of the building. We combined the diverse associations with this place (including weather houses with figures) with the theme of the exhibition: man and woman, separated from each other, yet linked via synchronized forms of movement to the distorted music of a music box, via an apple that is passed back and forth between the bars and eaten in the end, via the randomly composed words read from old ‘Insel’-paperbacks, which produce surprising meta-texts, via about the slow-motion moving against an acoustic wind, which is getting stronger and stronger, silencing the words at last.